Our Program Information

Our 11 centers are helmed by two principals and supervised by assistant principals. A site coordinator is also assigned at each center and available to parents and caregivers. Please see our administration page and centers page for contact information.
Each class is led by a teacher highly skilled and accredited in early childhood education. A trained paraprofessional is also assigned to assist in every classroom. General education classroom ratios may be a maximum of 18:1:1 for Pre-K classes and 15:1:1 for 3-K classes. Special education classroom ratios may be a maximum of 12:1:2, 8:1:2, and 6:1:2. Please read more about our Special Education program.
Every center has the avid participation of cluster teachers. Cluster teachers visit each classroom to add extra enrichment through instruction in various subjects such as STEAM, movement and music, math, science, visual arts and theater arts.
Our school nurses are highly trained and licensed medical professionals. They offer a spectrum of health services determined by New York State law, NYC health code and the Chancellor's regulations.
Our social workers are certified by the state of New York and are available to all parents and caregivers in our 11 centers.
Our parent coordinator is available to communicate with parents via phone and email every school day. Please see our administration page for contact information.
An NYPD school safety agent is present at every school entrance at all times. Safety measures, evacuation drills and soft lock-down drills are strictly observed at every center.
School hours are scheduled from 8:30 A.M. to 2:50 P.M.
Breakfast and lunch are served daily in the classrooms via a family style setting. This allows for peer interaction and socialization. Our healthy menu includes fresh fruit and milk. We work with parents to the best of our ability if their child has a dietary or allergy restriction. To learn more about the NYC School Food Program, please go to: http://www.schoolfoodnyc.org/schoolfood/MenusDailyDisplay.aspx
Daily nap/rest time follows the lunch period. Each child is provided with their own cot. Parents are asked to provide a clean sheet and blanket.
Our centers are closed on all federal holidays and many religious holidays as well. School administration maintains a strong communication with parents to inform of additional days that school may be closed or for a change in dismissal time. To view the NYC DOE school calendar, please go to: http://schools.nyc.gov/Calendar/default.htm?mo=10&yr=2016
Ongoing translation is part of our effort to effectively communicate with parents and caregivers. We have an active relationship with the NYC DOE Translation Unit as well as translators on site at our centers. To know more about free translation tools available to every family, please go to: https://infohub.nyced.org/resources/communications/translation-and-interpretation
Each center benefits from a dedicated custodial team. Our custodians are responsible for the daily cleanliness of all classrooms as well as ongoing maintenance, repair, and safe operation of every building in our program.
Parents will receive a monthly newsletter via email with all updated and important information. The newletter for each center is also posted on our Newsletters and Events page.