Rigorous Learning!

Our Pre-K centers set the stage for a lifetime of learning. We offer the following building blocks that lead to success in school and life:
Literacy - Our literacy-rich experiences are numerous and consistent, paving the way for our students to become lifelong readers. Pre-reading and writing skills include an understanding of the meaning of letters, vocabulary building, and phonological awareness.
Math - We prepare our students to master advanced math concepts in the future as we introduce math-oriented activities that include numbers, shapes, sorting, and patterns.
Social and Emotional Development - The learning foundation in our classrooms allows students to experience and manage their feelings, actively explore and learn from their environment, and engage in nurturing and responsive relationships with their peers and the adults in their lives.
Imaginative Thinking - Great opportunities arise when our students participate in play-based learning. Nurturing their imagination and creativity helps them become critical thinkers and problem solvers, leading the way to reaching their highest intellectual potential.
Physical Motor Skills - Daily physical activities support the development of fine and gross motor skills in our students. This fosters their self-confidence and independence as they use their large muscles to run, jump, and skip, and their small muscles to paint, draw, and manipulate tools and objects.
Reading Readiness- Our emergent literacy curriculum focuses on learning the building blocks of language through music, play, and sound/word games. Students hone their listening skills and build their ability to understand early concepts such as rhyme, alliteration, segmenting, and blending.
Special Education- Instruction and on-site services are available for children from ages 3 to 5. Served by a skilled team of educators and therapists, every student’s learning, speech and language, physical development, social-emotional skills, and other areas are fully supported. Please see our Special Education page for more information.
Dual Language: Classes are a two-way immersion of English and a partner language, Spanish, Mandarin or Arabic. This instruction is an option for both native English speaking students and English Language Learners. Parents may expect their child to reach bilingual, biliteracy and bicultural goals. To learn more, please visit our Dual Language page.